Absent Friends | Minor Science
- Ambient
- Experimental
Obviously my year has been as shitty as yours. Pretty weird to experience a unison-collective shitty experience of the world. However, on top of the repercussion of the pandemic a bunch of personal conflicts came to the surface these last months and also significantly had an impact on my listing preference and thus music experience. Since club culture has basically died, it made way to explore untouched and previous touched music genres and artist from the past. This 1-hour mix reflects all of the above. A sonic journey through pain, suffering, ups and down but primarily a hour filled with a renewed fresh breath of air that i was longing for for a while. New expressions and new experimentations that I long neglected when the industry was booming. So enjoy a different face of mine xxx Nathan Kofi
A Curious End - Ishi Vu
6PM Breakfast - Mister Water Wet & Monkey20
Wild Woods - Tomu DJ
To Nocturnal Fellows - Yolabmi
Grace - The Soft Pink Truth
Nico - Waves - One Song
Acostados - DJ Pyton
Guide You - Toni - True Beauty
Boxes - Moses Sumney
La Luz Blue18 - Ishi Vu
Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud seep out - Kelsey Lu, Yves Tumor, Kelly Moran, Moses Boyd.
No Longer - Happa
Slim94 - DJ Haydn
Deeper and Deeper - Coco Bryce
Lonely Hearts Club - Dreamcast
Life Lessons from Amber Mama - Tobe Nwigwe
Life's A Funny Place (Heaven Verse) - Mister Water Wet & Monkey20
Wiil Age - Eureka!
Gathering - Healion
Tranquil Lust Mommy - Maara
The Nile - A Guy Called Gerald
7038634357 - Sugar Armor
Lord You're Holy Ballin' - Kanye West Sunday Service